Breaking Barriers, One Book At a Time.

Introducing Our Free Accessible eBook Library

At Bridge to Independence, we are committed to fostering a more inclusive and supportive world for individuals with disabilities. That's why we are excited to introduce our new Free Accessible eBook Library—a valuable resource designed to empower and educate.

Why We Created This Library

We recognize the importance of access to educational resources for all, regardless of abilities or economic circumstances. In the fight against "book poverty," it's alarming that a dramatic statistic reveals that approximately one in three children in low-income households doesn't have access to age-appropriate books. This disparity is especially concerning for children with disabilities, who often face additional challenges in accessing traditional printed materials.

Our Free Accessible eBook Library aims to bridge this gap. We believe every individual deserves the opportunity to explore, learn, and grow through the power of literature. By providing free access to a diverse collection of eBooks, we hope to break down barriers and empower individuals of all ages to embark on their reading journeys, fostering a love for learning and an appreciation for the written word.

Explore our eBook library today and discover a world of knowledge, inspiration, and empowerment for individuals with disabilities. Together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.